What is ag-Grid. Row Models in ag-Grid.

Hello folks, I am going to start a new tutorial list on 'ag-Grid in angular'. If you are planning to use ag-Grid in your angular project and bit confused on it or not able to understand ag-Grid properly🙇 then this post is going to really helpful for you.

Before start using ag-Grid in your project. let's understand about it 👇.

The grid comes with the four row models:
  • Client-Side
  • Infinite
  • Server-Side
  • Viewport

1) Client Side Row Model : 
  • This is the default model if you used it.
  • It is free to use. You do not need to purchase the licence for this model. 
  • The grid will first load all the data and then bind into the grid in one go. Once the grid has all of the data, it can perform many operations on it for you, such as filtering, sorting, paging etc.
  • In this row model, this grid perform filtering, sorting, grouping, pivoting and aggregation all in memory/client side
  • This row model is to be used in very small projects or can say where the data count is low. but if data is in large amount then do not go for it because it load all the data in first go and then bind it which makes your application slow.

2) Infinite Row Model:
  • It is also free to use. You do not need to purchase the licence for this model. 
  • Firstly it load some data and then show to user. It load more data when user demand more
  • This model is useful if u have a large application or huge set of data. It does not load the whole data in once go. It load the data on demand. 
  • Filtering, Paging, Searching will do over server side, not the client side.

3) Server Side Row Model: 
  • This is for enterprise users. you have to purchase the licence for this model.
  • It is same as infinite model with some extra feature like pivoting, grouping etc.

4) Viewport row model: 
  • This is also for enterprise users. you have to purchase the licence for this model.
  • It load the data on demand and searching, Filtering will do over server side.

When to use 💡: 

  • If you are a community user or you want to use it without any cost then use Client-Side Row Model if you want to load all your data into the browser, or use Infinite Row Model if you want to load it in blocks.
  • If you are an enterprise user (have purchased the ag-Grid licence ) use Client-Side Row Model if you want to load all your data into the browser, or use Server-Side Row Model if you want to load it in blocks.

Hope you have understood about it.

For more information about this grid then check this link : https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-grid-row-models/

Keep learning , Keep Growing, Keep sharing !!!


Nveee said...

Good info sir...

Anonymous said...

Very Informative...

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