Rename the text "Redeem Invitation", "Register", "Sign In", "Redeeming Code", "Sign Out" in PowerApps Portal/ D365 Portal

Hello folks, In the today's article, we are going to learn about some hidden content snippets or we will learn how we can rename the some text in PowerApps Portal/D365 Portal.

Let's rename some below text on portal:

  • "Redeem Invitation" to "OTP".
  • "Register" to "Sign-up"
  • "Sign In" to "Log-in"
  • "Redeeming Code" to "OTP"
  • "Sign Out" to "Log Out"

=> Rename the text of "Redeem Invitation" to "OTP ":

Step 1: Open the Portal Management app and navigate to Content Snippets.

Step 2: Create a new Content Snippet with the name "Account/Nav/Redeem". 

Enter your text value in Value section and then save it.

Now check in your portal. Please do not forgot to clear the cache. If you don't know then check this article.

=> Rename the text of "Register" to "Sign-up":

Step 1: Open the Portal Management app and navigate to Content Snippets.

Step 2: Create a new Content Snippet with the name "Account/Nav/Register".

Enter your text value in Value section and then save it.

Now check in your portal. Please do not forgot to clear the cache. If you don't know then check this article.

=> Rename the text of "Sign in" to "Log In":

Step 1: Open the Portal Management app and navigate to Content Snippets.

Step 2: Create a new Content Snippet with the name "Account/Nav/SignIn".

Enter your text value in Value section and then save it.

Now check in your portal. Please do not forgot to clear the cache. If you don't know then check this article.

=> Rename the text of "Redeem Code" to "OTP":

Step 1: Open the Portal Management app and navigate to Content Snippets.

Step 2: Create a new Content Snippet with the name "Account/Redeem/InvitationCodeAlert".

Enter your text value in Value section and then save it.

Now check in your portal. Please do not forgot to clear the cache. If you don't know then check this article.

=> Rename the text of "Sign Out" to "Log Out":

Step 1: Open the Portal Management app and navigate to Content Snippets.

Step 2: Create a new Content Snippet with the name "links/logout".

Enter your text value in Value section and then save it.

Now check in your portal. Please do not forgot to clear the cache. If you don't know then check this article.

=> Rename the text of "Sign in" to "Log In":

This "Sign in" Keyword is different from the above one. This "Sign in" is present in header.

Step 1: Open the Portal Management app and navigate to Content Snippets.

Step 2: Create a new Content Snippet with the name "links/login".

Enter your text value in Value section and then save it.

Now check in your portal. Please do not forgot to clear the cache. If you don't know then check this article.

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