Unable to Retrieve Purchase Information in ADX Retail Portal

If you are getting an error during the Product's Order in Retail Portal like this as show in below image then you are at right location.

To Solve this Error.... firstly you have to understand why this error is coming.

When you click on Checkout button during order of products this will create a record in Quote entity. When you open the record in Quote entity then you will see there is no product in product grid of it, that's why it showing an error Unable to Retrieve Purchase Information.

Now to solve this error go to Product on which it show an error. Move to Additional Details Tab.
 Now check the Price list. It must be the Retail Portal Price List, if it is not Retail portal then change it to Retail Portal Price List.

It will solve this error.

1 comment:

Madflix said...

"Thanks for this clear explanation! The step-by-step approach to fixing the price list in the Additional Details tab is super helpful. Keep sharing such troubleshooting tips!"
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